両面ポストカード ひぐらし・園崎双子【限定版】 [Limited] Higurashi - Sonozaki twins double-sided postcard
- 物販商品(自宅から発送)発送までの日数:4日以内¥ 200
*限定版グッズ*(小ロット) 両面ポストカードです。デザインは『ひぐらしのなく頃に』の園崎詩音と園崎魅音です。 イラストはStalkingPです。 詳細: 両面オフセット印刷 220grツヤ無しマット紙 1枚200円。 限定版シールシートもあります(BOOTHをチェック!) 一般発売:2022年01月01日 PATREON優先(12月発売) ⚠ 完売したら再印刷しません ⚠
[Limited] Higurashi - Sonozaki twins double-sided postcard
___________________________________ For International customers buying multiple items from my shop: Save on the individual item Buyee fee by buying from this link↓ https://stalkingp.booth.pm/items/6443243 ___________________________________ [Limited edition] Higurashi - Sonozaki twins double-sided postcard Double-sided postcard featuring Sonozaki Shion and Sonozaki Mion from the Higurashi no naku koro ni series, illustrated by StalkingP. One side is the "regular" illustration posted on social media, while the other is the alternative version, unwatermarked access exclusive to patrons. Originally made for December 2021's Term 056 Patreon rewards; limited print. No reprints will be made once sold out. Product details: Standard size postcard (10 x 14,8cm or approximately 4 x 5,8 inches) Double-sided offset printing on 220gr matte finish paper This is a fanmade product.